Saturday, September 12, 2009

What Is Shinju?

After watching Jolie's Shinju run 3rd in the Dato' Tan Chin Nam Stks (not easy to spit out after a couple of cold ones), on a disastrous day of punting where I ran out of available funds, I looked to once and for all answer that age old question...what is Shinju?

Shinju: "double suicide" (Japanese), as in Shinjū ten no Amijima (Double Suicide at Amijima), written by the seventeenth-century tragedist Chikamatsu Monzaemon for the puppet theatre (bunraku and/or joruri theatre).

But that discovery has only led to another pressing question...who is Jolie? Wiki has been unable to help me on that one.

Anyway, Jolie's Shinju is on Facebook.


Shirtman said...

Right, never one to let sleeping dog's lie (and being a bit of a breeding nerd) I have investigated this...

Jolie's Shinju is by the American stallion Jolie's Halo (a son of super sire Halo). Jolie's Halo's Mum was Jolie Jolie (hence the rather uninspired name Jolie's Halo). So, the Jolie comes from Dad's side.

Why Jolie Jolie is named Jolie Jolie is anyone's guess... So we may well be back to square one.

Master O said...

'Tis a tragic tale of a lover's tryst, a horse born out of wedlock to the disapproval of Jolie grand sires and dams, and thus a "Double Suicide At The Jolie Ranch", leaving the poor orphan foal Jolie's Shinju...