Thursday, February 12, 2009

Open Socceroos discussion thread...

Some stuff for you to debate in the comments below. I'm too hungover to post anything too serious today. $4 Golden Ale schooners will do that to you.

Maybe Socceroo jesus would get more respect from the pimp if he was South American... Like this jesus.
10-15 minutes for Kennedy? Not nearly enough. The team actually looked threatening with him on the pitch.

Brett Holman: Runs all day. Generally poor first touches. If having a good motor is all it takes to be an international footballer, then why aren't these guys world champions? 
An equal contribution, free Centrum and an awesome moustache might come from this guy:
Other stuff that I can't be bothered to post cool pics about...
1) I love Scott Chipperfield. However, if he has really lost a step or two in the last year, can he be counted on in South Africa?
2) Assuming we are pretty much in the cup, who is in your dream group? Mine is the "group of douche." Teams that I would love to beat; The US and England. Have to find a seed.... Italy!
3) Should the Socceroos have played for a draw last night? I have sympathy for both sides of this debate. Yes, guarantee your cup place. No, we need to be able to score goals against better teams that Japan in more threatening environments than Yokohama.


1 comment:

Master O said...

My first point would be that Chipperfield was in doubt for the game with an injury and thus was probably not 100%.

Brett Holman...sorry Pimp, I don't get that. Every time he's in the lineup I get left scratching my head. I cannot understand how Holman is somehow considered a better option than Scott McDonald. Perhaps McDonald was carrying a bit of an injury, but why bring him all the way out to Japan if that's the case? He has yet to fire at national level but anyone who's seen any Celtic games would know that he is a wonderful striker. We absolutely must get him involved in the system before the World Cup. I cannot stress this enough. The Dukes, God love him, but he'll be old and grey and resting on a cane by the time SA 2010 rolls around. Coupled with the fact that he's played only about 4 games in the last 2 1/2 years,'s McDonald time.

Our midfield was concerningly dominated, to the point where (although drunk and not able to clearly remember), I'm sure Cahill only had 1 or 2 touches. Cahill is my hero. He should be fed the ball all night. Our midfield was glaringly unable to do this.

My final point is to ask yourself "who was missing last night other than Harry and the Dukes?".....

Brett Emerton is the engine driving our entire system, crucial to our structure and go-forward, and without him, we are simply not the same team.